Confidence Coin - Tech spec

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This document will serve as a guide to building Confidence Coin, which comprises three main applications:

For a more detailed, non technical understanding of how Confidence Coin works, please refer to the whitepaper available at whitepaper.

+-------------+        +-------------+       +-------------+  
|             |        |             |       |             |  
|   CORE #1   |--------|   CORE #2   |-------|   CORE #3   |  
|             |        |             |       |             |  
|  +-------+  |        |  +-------+  |       |  +-------+  |  
|  |Bridge |  |        |  |Bridge |  |       |  |Bridge |  |  
|  +-------+  |        |  +-------+  |       |  +-------+  |  
|             |        |             |       |             |  
+------+------+        +------+------|       +------+------+  
       |                      |  
       |                      |  
       |                      |  
       |                      |  
       |                      |  
       |                      |  
+------+------|       +------+------+  
|             |       |             |  
|   Wallet #1 |       |   Wallet #2 |  
|             |       |             |  
+------+------|       +------+------+                   


Core works with two data types, BlockData and SnapData while executing the main loop of:

Block Data structure

Snap data structure

Coins in Confidence Coin can range up to 1,000,000,000,000 and have up to 6 decimal digits. They are represented in a long multiplied by 1,000,000. Ex: 6.5 coins are represented with 6,500,000

DTP data structure

Voting system

The way validators vote on blocks is by submitting a Vote object in the block they produce. The vote object contains:

There is one Vote object for each block even if there are no rejection items in order to reference the blocks.

Establishing Consensus

A consensus is established during the construction of a new snapshot.

  1. First, the blocks are tested for common snapshot parent. At least 2/3 of the validators must create a block with the same parent snapshot CID. If the parent snapshot is different from the one constructed by the current validator, it is time to sync and download the right Snapshot.
  2. After agreeing on a parent Snapshot, time to decide what blocks will be part of the next Snapshot. At least 2/3 of the validators must vote on each block that will be part of the next Snapshot.
  3. After the blocks of the next Snapshot are established, they need to be normalized(ordering by CID) and examined. This will guarantee that all the validators produce the same Snapshot since the input for everyone is the same.
  4. Finally, the Topics are examined. Topics with over 2/3 of the validators’ votes are processed into a new Snapshot. Note that 2/3 could be 68.6 or 68. In both cases, 69 votes are required for consensus.

Block Topics

A topic object contains a list of ApiObject's and a topicId. ApiObject is a generic object that contains a byte array and a signature. It is encoded via Java object stream API. One can decode it based on the topicId`

Some topics originated in the Wallets, like opting requests or an update transaction. Wallets have access to snapshots. Inside the Snapshot, there is information about validators, and each validator exposes an API string. It could be a domain address or just an IP. Wallets use this information to send a topic request over HTTP directly to validators. The validator selection is made at random with some consideration in networking.

Update Transaction topic

This is the most important topic. DTP sends an update transaction to update the balances of all its members as well as external members(For external members, the balance can only grow).

Due to external members’ dependency, updating a balance has an execution order importance. To avoid this restriction, the DTP doesn’t provide the final balance but only the balance delta. It makes the order of the execution nonimportant. The requirement is that the total delta for all the wallets is zero since DTP cannot create or destroy coins in the system.

Update Transaction Object

I put a lot of thought into how to structure the update transaction and how to make it storage efficient for better networking. The reason external wallets don’t use the same optimization as member wallets is due to the need to make this transaction Snap independent. Even if the DTP is not up to date with the most recent Snap, the transaction it will create will still be valid.

Convert to DTP

A wallet that doesn’t belong to any DTP can convert into DTP. After it becomes a DTP, its wallet address becomes a member of that DTP. DTP wallet address cannot leave the DTP.

Convert to DTP object


Each wallet can opt in or out of a DTP. When opting in, an automated opt-out request is sent to the current DTP. Another way to opt for a DTP is to ask the DTP to create a new wallet for you by only providing it with the public key.

Opting object

To opt out, the dtpId needs to be “out.”

Validator scores

When waiting for blocks, the time to receive each block is recorded. Those times are used to score validators for performance. It impacts the block reward.

Scores object


The Confidence Coin insensitive program allows wallets to go on hold for 1-60 months and get block rewards during this time. There are two inner insensitive here:

More details about how the Holds are in the reward section.

Hold object

Update system settings

System settings include things like transaction fees and other values that are constant in the system and require voting to be changed. There is no special trigger for it. It requires people to coordinate to fire and vote. By default, validators are programmed to deny all system changes.

Settings Object

Add/remove/update validator

Validators should be removed if they timeout to produce a block, underperform or break the rules. In case they break the rules, their stack should be damaged as well.

When a validator is removed due to a timeout or poor performance, it will autojoin back by producing a block without timing out that has less than 5% timeout scores for other validators. Other validators will keep track of it for 48 hours and vote to return the validator if it is able to produce the required block.

Validators who got a timeout score from more than 2/3 of the validators will be removed. Otherwise, the timeout scores are ignored; Validator who got a time score smaller than $\frac{median}{2}$ is removed for poor performance.

It is possible to verify the Snapshots produced by a validator. There are some valid reasons for validators to produce different snapshots(Like timeout from a tiebreaker validator who didn’t timeout for anyone else). But even those snapshots must follow the rules if the validator produces an incorrect Snapshot or approves a transaction it shouldn’t. There will be a trace left to verify that decision by other validators. In such a case, they can vote to remove this validator and provide a reason with a link to where the mistake/attack could be verified.

When a validator is removed for violating the rules, it is added to the blacklist by other validators and will be rejected from rejoining the network. Unlike any other voting, to remove a validator for violating the rules, 1/10 votes are enough. This is in order to protect the network from bad actors.

### Validator object


Once a day, based on the snap time, during the first block, whose parent is the new day snapshot, a rewarding topic is created. It consists of new coins reward and transactions fees for the day and is divided among three parties:

System capacity

There are 1,798,974,000,000 hard-cap coins. It is based on the dollar circulation value in Jan 2020, right before the epidemic started.

The daily reward is calculated using the below function, where X is a day starting from 1.
$f(X)=Max(0, 98563309 - 2700X)$ It will be fully mined in 36,505 days(~100 years).

Validators reward

It is calculated based on the validators’ performance in the past snapshots.

Validators are scored by:

Only one value is kept in the Snapshot for scores for each validator metric. Each new result contribute a weight of $\frac{1}{10}$, such that the new value is $\frac{9currentValue + newValue}{10}$

A score of 0.5 to 1.5 is distributed among the validators based on their metrics above.

The balance in the validator’s wallet is in their stack. The stack is then multiplied by the score and used as a baseline for the validator’s reward.

Holders reward

Once a user sets a Wallet on hold, it provides the holdingMonths 1-60, and two calculations apply:

Holders can send more coins to their wallets on hold. When that happens, the baseline calculation uses the original months provided in the hold request and increases the baseline. This is done to not encourage opening multiple wallets. $\frac{x}{totalDays} + \frac{y}{totalDays} = \frac{x+y}{totalDays}$. The reward will be the same.

The one benefit of using the same wallet, however, is that it doesn’t extend the hold time. The original hold time remains.

This method is especially helpful when encoding the holders into the Snapshot. The only required data for each holder is:

The baseline for day $X$ is equal to: $f(X)=walletBalance(1.012^{holdingMonths}) - \frac{X}{totalDays}$

The day’s count starts from 0, such that the reduction is always the next day.

Governments reward

Each government reward from a block is calculated by the percentage of coins in wallets that chose that government. In case the government didn’t adopt Confidence Coin just yet, the reward will go to the Confidence Coin foundation company.

First block example reward

The first block reward is 98,560,609

Transaction fees

Transaction fees are static in the system and are part of system settings.

Ethereum makes, on average, 1M transactions a day and charges for it on average 500 ETC, which are $823K as of today(2/21/2023). So assuming we wish to charge 2M wallets(Sender and receiver, ignoring multi-send for simplicity) 823K coins. It’s 0.41 coins for each address in the update transaction.

For opting and holding transactions, we can charge a similar amount of 1 coin.

Transaction fees are charged by the transaction maker. DTP pays for the updated transaction.

Transaction fees are accumulated in the Snapshot and released during the daily reward.


The Bridge is a microservice living in the same network as the CORE. They communicate over HTTP.

Bridge performs the next functionality:

Publish blocks

It receives a file from CORE over a shared file system and publishes it to IPFS and announces the CID over libp2p gossip pubsub

Publish Snaps

It receives a file from CORE over a shared file system and publishes it to IPNS where the sequence(version number) is the block id. The IPNS name is the validator public key.

This makes it very easy for Wallets to download Snapshots since they are hosted by all the validators, and all the validators provide a tracker to monitor new releases.

Collect blocks

Bridge is subscribed for the pubsub and downloads each new block from CID. It is then saved to the shared file system and notify the CORE. It doesn’t have an understanding of what a block cycle is. That is managed by the CORE.

Download Snapshot

In a rare scenario when the validator produces a bad Snapshot and needs to download a new one. It uses this endpoint. The Bridge downloads the Snapshot by CID.


The wallet is a Kotlin SDK. It will be developed in Kotlin and use IPFS Kotlin API. You can use it both on a desktop as well as on Android.

It will provide the functionality for

There will be no functionality for downloading Snapshots and Blocks since that can be achieved via the IPFS SDKs.